Our daily schedule is very busy. We leave the hotel at 8 am in the morning and don't usually get back until around 9-10pm. Our hosts are very gracious and it has been fun getting to know them. Like Jim says we have been eating and drinking a lot! Our day yesterday was interesting. We started off at the Buddha museum and learned everything Buddha. Very beautiful!
After the Buddha museum our host took us to Puri Park. A nice park with family registers and shrines. Each family name has a registry and this park had it listed on a board and recognized with the shrine, also very beautiful! There were many kids there and it saddened me for a bit because I wished my girls were with me. After Puri Park, it started to rain which was kind of uncomfortable for us since we were all in our dress clothes, however the Koreans proceeded to take us to the zoo!
The zoo was very interesting, it was a combination of a zoo, amusement park, and botanical garden all in one! Although miserable, it was fun! Our Korean hosts got us rain parkas and umbrellas. It was just weird seeing all of us in dress clothes walking around in the rain looking at zoo animals! HA! This park was called O-World.
After our cold day at O-World, we ended the night with dinner and then proceeded to present our club banners to our host Rotarian president!
Love the wigs! Thank you, Robin - for keeping us informed and supplying the pictures.