Thursday, April 22, 2010

You say "yes"', your body says "no".

Yesterday was actually the first full day and it seems we covered all of South Korea but, no, just one small city, Geumsan. Located just south of Daejeon. Population approximately 60,000. This is the home of the District Governor. 80% of the gross revenues are from the sale of ginseng (Insam). They grow it and sell it everywhere. This is the ginseng capitol of the world.

We started the day at the "Tomb of Seven Hundred Soldiers". This is a memorial similar to Arlington (much smaller) where 700 soldiers fought off until death most of the Japanese army that invaded. The date, 1592. The soldiers fought to the death much like in the 300 story & Spartacus. We honored them and offered an incense prayer. Very moving.

We visited county offices and met officials. They gave us ginseng tea and a large box of ground ginseng.
We got it.....the ginseng museum.
The we went to the ..............ginseng market.
We toured the Geumsan museum, much about ginseng.
We visted a large memorial bell that is only rung on new years and the annual...............ginseng festival.
Get the message?

Everything, including the whole economy is ginseng. Very interesting.
We visited and entered a Buddhist temple that we were told was 10,000 yearsold. I beleive it was 1,000 years, but it is in unbeleveable shape in any case.

The highlight for me was visiting a "Retarded Persons" (there words, not mine) home. Very similar to our Sheltered Workshop in that some work and produce products for sale. As in the USA, they are very friendly and love to see people.

The thing that hits you here is the history. In the US we have basically 200 years, here there is 5000, I think.

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful hearing your stories and seeing the pictures as you go! I hope one of you found out why the sculpter had a big "mama" ginseng with it's root around the "baby" ginseng in the statue. Keep sending the blogs! I love living vicariously through your adventure! Be safe and enjoy the rolly-polly fishheads!
