Monday, April 12, 2010

Panic Mode

Well, when I woke up this morning I had sort of a panic attack realizing that at the same time next week, I'll be preparing for departure to S. Korea!! It was hectic at work all day just trying to get everything at a good stopping point before leaving the office for 4 weeks. I've never been away from my family for that long. I believe 2 weeks is the maximum so far. Our team leader also gave us a bit of news that was kind of depressing. It seems that we won't be staying with Host Families, but in a hotel. This has some good and bad points to it. The good being that we will all have some space and privacy with downtime to ourselves, the bad being that we don't get the experience of living like Koreans do and learning a big piece of culture which is a big goal of this trip! So bittersweet! The other team members have a big week ahead of them also, so I'm sure panic has stricken them. I'm pretty sure though that by this weekend panic will turn to excitement and we all get to hangn on for the ride.

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